Title: Montage of Downtown Winston-Salem
Edited Using: Adobe Premiere Pro
Caption: Take a glance at the creative art at the heart of Winston-Salem, the City of Art and Innovation!
Love On Tour
Title: Love On Tour – Madison Square Garden
Edited Using: Adobe Premiere Pro and Canvas
Caption: A glimpse of one of my favorite memories! Harry is a great performer, and I wanted to capture some of the best moments from the concert. They may be low-quality videos, but they are of a high-quality artist.
A Little About…
Title: A Little About…Routes Around UNC
Edited Using: Adobe Premiere Pro
Caption: Walking isn’t only beneficial for your physical well-being. It also helps with your mental health. My roommate recounts her favorite route around UNC’s campus and why she needs to complete her daily goal of 15,000 to 20,000 steps.